Ozone-Oxygen Therapy

Ozone is simply a highly energetic and reactive form of oxygen. Its name is from Greek origins meaning “to smell” since there can be a characteristic odor from this colourless gas. Since its discovery in 1840, anecdotally, several million treatments by ozone therapy have been performed worldwide up to 2012. European countries along with Russia and Cuba have been pioneering the use of this approach in medicine for several decades.

There is a negative thought on the word “ozone” as it pertains to the ozone layer in the sky and as a potential hazard to the lungs if inhaled in large quantities. People do not realize that ozone is an indicator for pollution and not a cause.

The use of ozone for health purposes is much different, controlled, and has a growing list of positive benefits when used appropriately. In progressive water treatment facilities, for example, ozone is applied for the treatment of drinking water as a safe and non-chemical means to kill potentially harmful microbial agents (i.e. bacteria, fungus, viruses, parasites, etc.)

While ozone is the main focus of treatment, medically it is always found along with higher amounts of pure oxygen ranging from 95-99% oxygen to 1-5% of pure ozone gas. Consequently, most believe this treatment approach should be more appropriately termed as “ozone-oxygen therapy” (OOT).

The medical use of ozone-oxygen therapy is also gaining momentum in cancer plus also in the treatment of other diseases & health conditions. Research suggests a benefit for treating the unwanted side-effects from conventional treatment which includes for radiation complications and burns, osteonecrosis, wound healing, and infections. There is data demonstrating this treatment can have direct properties in various cancer models (i.e. anti-cancer), immune-system effects (i.e. cytokine modulation), metabolic effects (i.e. improved antioxidant defenses), protective effects on tissues, and may also assist in making cancers less aggressive by helping to restore low oxygen environments (i.e. tumor hypoxia). This is why groups of healthcare providers and researchers believe that ozone-oxygen therapy has a place along with chemotherapy and radiation protocols since a low oxygen tumor environment may make such cancerous cells more resistant to standard treatment. The same also appears true for alternative or complementary-based treatments as well (i.e. vitamin C Intravenous). Patients with below normal red blood cells (i.e. less hemoglobin) may have a greater benefit with ozone-oxygen therapy.

Methods of using Ozone-oxygen therapy in medicine:

This is where a select amount of a person’s own blood (i.e. 50-200ml) is removed from the body and collected. From there, a specific amount of ozone-oxygen gas is injected into the collected blood allowing for an exchange of the ozone-oxygen mixture to occur. You will notice the blood change from a dark to a nice and brighter reddish colour during this time. Afterward, the ozone-oxygen-blood (i.e. ozonated blood) is re-injected back into the body using the same needle where the blood was taken from (i.e. auto-transfusion). It is believed that from this process, a series of medical effects begin and continue via a cascade process throughout the body. Treatments can be given from as little as 1-2 week to even daily depending on what treatment effects are desired. There are protocols designed which can be safely used before, during, and after chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery in addition to our treatment protocols for cancer and immunotherapy.

*Over the last 10 years, Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) has become the most important form of low-risk whole-body ozone application.


This is where a smaller amount of blood (i.e. 2-5ml) is removed from the blood, placed into a syringe with ozone, and following a mixing period, is injected back into the body but rather than given intravenously, the ozonated blood is administered into the muscle or under the skin (i.e. auto-vaccine).

This is where a calculated amount of ozone-oxygen gas is administered in the rectum or in the vagina using a very thin catheter. Such applications have been used for helping to fight infections, repair areas with sore or bleeding tendencies which includes as a result from radiation treatment.

    • In the case of rectal ozone-oxygen this route of administration appears to also penetrate the blood via the portal circulatory system thus leading to further whole body effects. Some preliminary data have used rectal ozone cycled alongside chemotherapy protocols leading to reduced side-effects and improved tolerance to treatment. 

The use of ozone-oxygen gas can also be used in the area of pain management. Ozone can be injected into muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, discs, and other areas to help assist regeneration and healing.

Ozone can be applied topically either via ozonated oils, water & saline, including the use of the ozone-oxygen gas contained over an affected body area. These approaches have been used to treat the most stubborn and severe forms of infections, skin lesions, mouth sores, jaw osteonecrosis, and radiation burns.

While the direct use of ozone may have irritating properties to the lungs and a certain level of caution needs to be considered in this area, when used appropriately and infused through a buffering agent before breathing it in, ozone has been used by traditional naturopathic physicians to help fight respiratory infections and target the lungs.

*Combinations of the above can be safely used when indicated *