Yellow tablets vitamin C medicine from bottle on white background. Vitamin C 500 milligram pills.

It has been released today in the New York Post that vitamin C given by intravenous injection becomes a treatment tool for COVID-19.  The preliminary data from China on how patients did better sparked an interest to US physicians on how to better help out their patients during this pandemic.  In addition to some of the known drug treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin being explored plus other current standard supportive approaches used in the management of COVID-19, vitamin C has now been officially added to the experimental toolbox (i.e. similar in approach to the Shanghai Protocol in China). Congratulations to New York pulmonologist and critical-care specialist Dr. Andrew Weber and team for putting politics aside, and to do whatever it takes to help patients during this critical time in a  hospital setting.  We will now be able to try and assess how treatment outcomes compares to China in the management of COVID-19 with the addition of this popular and yet controversial vitamin.  Some would have used a higher dosing model than what is being used in New York.  Time will tell.

New York Hospitals Treading Coronavirus Patients with Vitamic C